Design for All


At Cair, we strongly believe that innovation has the ability to add real world value to our product offerings. We also believe that good, thoughtful design should transcend every market inclusively. We design for everybody. Through focus groups and consultations, the design process at Cair takes into account our customers’ demands and expectations, as well as adding a sprinkling of surprise and innovation. We use state of the art hardware and software including in-house 3D CAD and 3D printing that allow us, our clients and our users to fully understand the ideas throughout the product development process. As well as employing state of the art methods, we also utilise the tried and tested skills of our designers to explore the ideas on paper. We feel there is no real substitute to the humble pen and paper when it comes to getting the best solution to a problem.

Cair’s industrial design team works closely in-house with the team of experienced electronic hardware and software engineers; this holistic approach to our process allows for each member of the team to add real value to the end result that only a cohesive development team that work together day in, day out, can achieve. As well as working with each other, the development team works closely with our in-house production team to not only ensure the end result suits our end users, but that they are also designed for ease and speed of assembly. At Cair. we also aim to design our products (where possible) for ease of disassembly and repair, therefore reducing waste.

Every aspect of our product offering is important to us, from the way it will improve the user’s life, to how the product looks in its environment and through to the way that the user experiences the first impression as they open the packaging for the first time. Our design team controls all aspects of these, from website design, through to this brochure, from the packaging to the instruction materials and onto the plastic enclosures and even how the labels are laid out. At Cair, we believe that creating a cohesive and seamless design language should not just stop at the product you use. It should be reinforced by everything you see our brand as. This approach can only be realised by using an in-house design team that takes ownership of the brand guidelines. The industrial design department is led by experienced industrial designer, Neil, who brings a wealth of experience to the Cair team, having worked as a design consultant for a wide variety of brands for over 15 years. Having a designer in-house increases Cair’s ability to react quickly to market forces. It is also what allows us to listen to and work with our customers closely and deliver solutions that innovatively solve their problems. “Working for Cair is a real delight. We have the opportunity to make a real difference to the quality of life of some of the most vulnerable people in our society.”
